Psalms, Hymns & Spiritual Songs: R2W 2024


Return to Wittenberg's eighth annual conference, Psalms, Hymns, & Spiritual Songs, will highlight the quincentennial of the first Lutheran Hymnal. Martin Luther created the first Lutheran hymns, known as "chorales," based on the Biblical model of the Psalter. This year's presentations will also return ad fontes to the Psalter.

Our presenters are WELS Pastors Benjamin Steenbock, Kurt Hagen, and Zachary Semmann. We invite you to enjoy a weekend of spiritual edification, authentic Lutheran worship, and fellowship with other W/ELS Christians.

New in 2024: Worship Workshop & Hoenecke Scholarship

One of the highlights of R2W is our worship. But many Pastors (and not a few laymen!) have asked: How can I take this home with me? Our Kantor, Daniel Baker, is here to answer that question and more at a worship workshop, which will kick off our plenary Conference on Friday afternoon! Although this session is geared toward Pastors and worship coordinators, anyone is welcome to attend. The session will focus on how to best use our Synodical worship resources (the Christian Worship suite) to create a rhythm of Biblical worship in the pattern of our Lutheran forefathers.

Also new this year is the Adolf Hoenecke Scholarship Fund! Thanks to a generous donation, we are pleased to offer FREE ATTENDANCE to any WELS or ELS Seminary students. The fund will also supplement any pastor whose congregation is unable to support their attendance due to small size or reasonable budgetary issues. Please select the "Hoenecke Scholarship" option at registration to apply. (Please note: The Scholarship does not apply to the Pre-Conference Seminar.)

Returning in 2024: Pre-Conference Seminar


An academic seminar is a small-group session that convenes over a series of recurring meetings to really focus on a particular subject. In a seminar, everyone participates in discussion to share insights and ideas around the topic, rather than a lecture format.

Seminar attendees will have an opportunity to get into the meat of our conference theme through intensive reading and discussion of texts related to our conference theme. This year, we will consider "Psalms, Hymns, & Spiritual Songs" in four main sessions focused on readings from: the Bible, the Fathers, the Liturgy, and literature. We invite you to come early before the formal conference and join us  for our second annual Seminar!

Reading materials are sent out in advance for you to read ahead to get the most out of our discussions.

Seminar registration is limited; first-come, first served! Make sure you secure your spot by signing up early. The Seminar will take place from Wednesday evening to Friday morning. Registration will include sleeping arrangements at the Sparrows Nest and meals. We will also pray the Divine Office together. It is an edifying experience.

Conference Details


Note: Christians have a duty to ensure that those who share  in the Altar of the Lord for Holy Communion are in a proper spiritual state to receive the Sacrament. Therefore, if you would like to receive the Sacrament, we ask that you please speak with the R2W Chaplain at some point prior to the Communion Service. Thank you for your cooperation.
