Speaker Bios
Pastor Caauwe has been married to the former Sara Kassulke since 2001 and the Lord has blessed them with nine children.
Pastor Zabell is chairman of the WELS Commission on Worship and a presenter for Schools of Worship Enrichment. He was keynote speaker for the 2008 WELS National Worship Conference and essayist for the 2011 WELS Synod Convention.
He is married to Julie, who teaches four-year-old kindergarten, and with whom he has three sons and a daughter, and enjoys spending time with his family, swimming, playing piano, and reading.
Pastor Seelow is a 2003 graduate of Martin Luther College in New Ulm, Minnesota, and received his Master of Divinity degree from Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary in Mequon, Wisconsin in 2007. He completed a second master’s degree with honors, in Education, from Martin Luther College in 2013. He served on the WELS Dakota-Montana District Worship Committee, and currently serves on the Nebraska District Worship Committee.
During his time in Watertown, Pastor Seelow also met and married his wife, Megan. They were married in 2012, and are blessed with the gift of two sons–Judah and Ezra.
Back in 2009, he saw a need to share his message and information with others on-line and formed the People of Grace website. Later, a confidential support group area was added to website for others that also struggled with unwanted same-sex-attraction issues. In 2015, People of Grace became officially incorporated as a not-for-profit organization.
When not working with the People of Grace Organization, his regular / full-time job is as a Fire Alarm System Designer.
He currently resides in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.